Induction heating system for deck straightening
The Terac deck straightening system brings the cost, safety, and environmental benefits of induction heating to shipyards.
A proven turnkey solution, the Terac only needs an electricity supply, and it is ready to start work. Terac is ideal for deck and bulkhead straightening and cuts straightening times by as much as 80% compared to flame heating. Through-heating of steel decks and bulkheads is rapid, for example, 8 mm in only 8 seconds.
- Fast, easy, precise, and repeatable heating
- Easy to learn adds to maximum operator efficiency
- Extensive work range – 45 m radius, or 60 m with extension

Operators can work with Terac within a 45m radius of the base unit. An optional extension unit lengthens the work area to 60m radius.
Learn about how and where Terac can be used
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