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Accurate  induction heating with minimal losses reduces the carbon footprint from manufacturing.

Urban lifestyle will soon be about back to nature

Back to nature expresses a desire to return to a simpler, more natural way of living in contrast to an urbanised lifestyle. At the same time, as people worldwide continue to move into cities, new technologies pave the way for an urban lifestylethat is very similar to back to nature. Reducing emissions in manufacturing and simplifying electrical mobility are two key drivers. Induction technology makes a difference in both cases.

Clear trend

Urbanisation continues to accelerate. Currently, 56% of the world’s population resides in cities, with a projected increase to 70% by 2050. Notably, 80% of the world’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is generated in urban areas. As more people choose urban living and working, the importance of sustainability becomes even more pronounced. Clean production is paramount, especially in densely populated areas. Induction heating emerges as a key player in reducing emissions from the heating of metal objects in  industrial manufacturing. In contrast to traditional methods like gas furnaces, induction is inherently clean, leaving virtually no emissions. Good for local residents; good for businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint.


Living in cities today


Living in cities in 2050

Urbanisation continues to accelerate. Currently

Non-cluttered view

A part of the back-to-nature approach is also about keeping the surrounding environment as unspoiled and untouched as possible. While electric vehicles such as buses, cars, trains andtrucks contribute to emissions reduction, charging stations with cables clutter city streets, posing challenges not least in historical and cultural areas. 

Wireless inductive charging offers a solution to charge without cables. It consists of two main parts: A charging pad (e.g., underneath a car) and a special receiver (e.g., a platform over a parking space). When the receiver on the vehicle is close to the pad, energy is transferred wirelessly to the battery. The result is trouble-free charging for users and easy scale-up without heavy maintenance costs or cluttered city views.

 Another option is contactless power supply through the road. The principle is the same: Your  vehicle needs a coil, but in this case, you have a track-bound system for the energy transfer. You can apply the same principles, wireless inductive charging and contactless power supply, in factories  and warehouses for AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles) and mobile robots.

Inductive power supply and charging solutions for the automotive industry,

Wireless inductive charging of parked cars

Wireless inductive energy transfer to horizontally and vertically moving cabins

Contactless power supply of AGV's in a warehouse

Going forward in circles

Back to nature aligns seamlessly with the principles of a circular economy – aiming to minimise waste, make the most out of resources and foster a more harmonious relationship between human activities and the environment. The urban trend is not only likely to continue. It is a really promising direction for the future.

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