Estamos aquí para mejorar las cosas
Si su intención es mantenerse en el negocio, debe basar sus operaciones en compromisos a largo plazo. ENRX ofrece productos y sistemas de calor, carga y energía para la producción y el transporte industriales ecológicos por aire, carretera y ferrocarril. En consecuencia, nos tomamos muy en serio nuestras responsabilidades medioambientales, sociales y de gobernanza (ESG, por sus siglas en inglés).
Calentamiento por inducción:
Fabricación limpia y ecológica
- Precisa
- Controlable
- Ecológica
- Increíblemente rápida
- Repetible
Carga inalámbrica y suministro de energía:
Fabricación y movilidad limpias y ecológicas
- Cómoda
- Ecológica
- Eficiente
- Flexible
- Fiable en condiciones rigurosas
Los valores que nos mueven
Nuestros valores son el mejor reflejo del espíritu y la energía de ENRX. Nos ayudan a saber hacia dónde dirigirnos y orientan nuestras decisiones.

Ser respetuosos significa que tratamos a las personas con respeto y que actuamos siempre con honradez. Lideramos mediante el ejemplo y cuidamos a nuestros clientes, nuestros colegas y el medio ambiente.

Ser cooperadores significa que compartimos los recursos, el conocimiento y las soluciones de ENRX para complacer a nuestros clientes dondequiera que se encuentren.

Ser fiables significa que asumimos nuestra responsabilidad. No escatimamos esfuerzos para cumplir nuestras promesas, y aprendemos de nuestros errores. No text in field]

Ser apasionados significa que tenemos un interés absoluto en lo que hacemos. Significa que estamos abiertos a nuevas ideas y que desarrollamos constantemente soluciones innovadoras para apoyar a nuestros clientes y colegas.
Cuatro áreas específicas (ONU)
Los 17 objetivos de desarrollo sostenible de la ONU abordan los retos globales a los que se enfrenta el mundo. Aunque todos están interconectados, ENRX ha decidido centrarse en cuatro de ellas que pensamos que son las más relevantes para nuestra empresa y los segmentos de negocio en los que trabajamos.

Un negocio integrado (ESG)
Adherirse a un contexto ESG significa esencialmente que está preparando su negocio para el futuro. Las empresas que han hecho de esto una prioridad tienen las herramientas necesarias para enfrentarse a los retos drásticos que se nos plantean a todos de vez en cuando. ENRX se compromete a integrar sus responsabilidades de gobernanza medioambiental, social y corporativa en sus decisiones y operaciones comerciales.
CEO, Bjørn Eldar Petersen
Code of Conduct
In ENRX we have zero tolerance for illegal or unethical behaviour. We act and behave with integrity and will always strive to live up to our company values.
CEO, Bjørn Eldar Petersen
KPIs 2023
- 2.7 % Annual Absentee Rate
- 6.9 Employee Net Promotor Score
- 15.9% Female ratio in the workforce
- 100% of straff trained (via e-learning) in Code of Conduct
- 100% of staff signed Code of Conduct
- 69,1% of prioritised suppliers completed the self-assessment questionnaire
- 100% of prioritised suppliers that completed the questionnaire has agreeed to Supplier Code of Conduct
ENRX is dedicated to protecting the environment and fighting against climate change. Through our expertise and technology, we aim to be a partner who can assist and advice our customers on how to make the manufacture and maintenance of metal products a clean and green process.
Prioritised topics
- Energy use and GHG emissions in use phase
- Resource efficiency
- Safe and durable products
- Impact of end-product and customer activities
ENRX supports the shift towards sustainable growth via a resource efficient, low-carbon economy. The energy transition will continue to increase in importance as investors prioritise environmental, social and governance factors, and customers should feel secure that our products are manufactured and distributed sustainably and responsibly.
Prioritised topics
- Energy efficiency and GHG emissions at production sites
- Resource efficiency at production sites
- GHG emissions from transportation
- E-waste
As a global company, ENRX sees daily evidence of the benefits of diversity and cooperation across borders, cultures and skill sets, and is a strong believer in equal rights and opportunities for all. We bring our dedication to safe working conditions one step further, as our induction heating solutions contribute to a safer and better working environment.
Prioritised topics
- Employee health and safety
- Employee satisfaction
- Labour and human rights at production sites
All employees base their daily work and behaviour on the company values – respectful, reliable, cooperative and passionate. The values make sure that we follow the laws, act honourably, provide qualitative and reliable products and services to our customers, and serve our customers in the best possible way wherever they are located.
Prioritised topics
- Bribery and corruption
- Transparency
ENRX is part of a major global industry and operates in a premium market segment, with many of the world’s largest production companies as customers. In this market, there is a strong demand to demonstrate a sustainable supply chain – most particularly so in the automotive industry.
- Environmental and social impact of supplier manufacturing activities
- E-waste
- Conflict minerals
Sustainable products
- Establish infrastructure for IoT connectivity and launch digital services.
- Continue the implementation of new design guidelines.
- Keep on launching highly efficient, durable machines ensuring lower energy consumption as well as lower GhG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions.
Resource efficient production
- Continue with certification of production facilities according to ISO 14001 in all manufacturing plants.
- Consider even more ways to cut carbon dioxide emissions, for example, by having electric vehicles as the preferred choice when buying or leasing company cars.
- Evaluate the investment in LED lighting in Norway for further investments in energy-saving lightning at other premises in the organisation.
- Replace traditional brazing with more eco-friendly oxy-hydrogen technology. The first implementation was done in Romania in 2021 and 2023, with Poland and India to follow in 2024.
A great place to work
- Continuously improve employee satisfaction (Employee Net Promoter Score > 7).
- Increase the long-term ratio of women in the workforce to 20%.
- Reach the vision of zero work related injuries.
- Keep the absentee rate below 2.5%.
- Future-proof company profiling for attracting the best talent.
Ethical business conduct
- Train at 100% of the workforce in the Code of Conduct.
A responsible and robust supply chain
- Stronger demands on suppliers to contribute to an eco-friendlier production chain.
- Ensure that 100% of suppliers have signed the Supplier Code of Conduct before the end of 2024.
- Ensure that 100% of prioritised suppliers have completed the self-assessment questionnaire before the end of 2024.